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Abstract base class represetns the fumen code tree

Kind: static class of Fumen

Fumen.Element ⇐ Node

Abstract class represents musical elements

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Node

Fumen.Track ⇐ Element

A class represents a track

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.RehearsalGroup ⇐ Element

A class represents a rehearsal group

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Block ⇐ Element

A class represents a block

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Measure ⇐ Element

A class represents a measure

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Rest ⇐ Element

A class represents a rest

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Simile ⇐ Element

A class represents a simile mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Chord ⇐ Element

A class represents a chord

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Chord.chordMidSerialize(p, callback)

Convert the data structure (chord mids) to flat list and code string.

Kind: static method of Chord

Param Type Description
p * Data structure of chord mids.
callback * callback called for each leaf element. (Called synchrnously)

Fumen.Syncopation ⇐ Element

A class represents a syncopation

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.LoopIndicator ⇐ Element

A class represents a loop indicator

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Space ⇐ Element

A class represents a space

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.LongRest ⇐ Element

A class represents a long rest

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Time ⇐ Element

A class represents a time signature

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.MeasureBoundary ⇐ Element

Abstract class represents a measure boundary

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.MeasureBoundaryMark ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary with signle or double line

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.LoopBeginMark ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary at the beginning of loop

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.LoopEndMark ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary at the end of loop

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.LoopBothMark ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary at the end and beginning of loop

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.MeasureBoundaryFinMark ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary at the end of a piece

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.MeasureBoundaryDblSimile ⇐ MeasureBoundary

Class represents a measure boundary with double simile mark over it

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: MeasureBoundary

Fumen.DaCapo ⇐ Element

Class represents a DaCapo mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.DalSegno ⇐ Element

Class represents a DalSegno mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Segno ⇐ Element

Class represents a Segno mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Coda ⇐ Element

Class represents a Coda mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.ToCoda ⇐ Element

Class represents a To Coda mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Fine ⇐ Element

Class represents a Fine mark

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Comment ⇐ Element

Class represents a Comment

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Lyric ⇐ Element

Class represents a lyric

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Element

Fumen.Variable ⇐ Node

Class represents a Variable. Not always shown in the rendered image (up to renderer implementation)

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: Node


Virtual/Abstract element used for GUI based editting. Not appears explicitly in the original code nor in rendered image. Only used in HitManager

Kind: static class of Fumen

Fumen.GenericRow ⇐ VirtualElement

Class represents the concept of row in the renderer. How to use this is up to renderer.

Kind: static class of Fumen
Extends: VirtualElement


Kind: static class of Fumen

new Parser()

Parser class for fumen markdown code


Parse the fumen markdown code

Kind: instance method of Parser

Param Type Description
code String Markdown code


Kind: static class of Fumen

new DefaultRenderer(canvas, [param])

Default Renderer class for HTML canvas element

Param Type Default Description
canvas HTMLElement | canvasProvider HTML canvas element to draw the image. Or, callback function which returns HTML canvas element.
[param] RenderParam {} Parameter for the rednering. If not specified, internal default values are used.

defaultRenderer.render(track, [param])

Render the track

Kind: instance method of DefaultRenderer

Param Type Default Description
track Track Track object passed from Parser.parse function
[param] RenderParam {} Rendering parameter for this rendering. Supercedes(field by field) the prameters specified in constructor.


Desktop settings (difference from default)

Kind: global variable


An Object to specify prameters for rendering engine

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[paper_width] Number 375 Width of the paper
[paper_height] Number 667 Height of the paper. If 0 is specified, the paper height is fit to its contents.
[text_size] float 1.0 Text size as a ratio to default size. 0.9 means 10% smaller than default size.
[base_font_size] int Font size of the chord symbols.
[title_font_size] int Title font size
[artist_font_size] int Artist font size
[x_offset] int Margin of the left and right side of the paper.
[x_offset_left] int Margin of the right side of the paper. x_offset applies when null is specified.
[x_offset_right] int Margin of the left side of the paper. x_offset applies when null is specified.
[y_offset] int Margin of the top and bottom side of the paper.
[y_offset_top] int Margin of top side of the paper. y_offset applies when null is specified. In case header is drawn, this does not apply.
[y_offset_bottom] int Margin of top side of the paper. y_offset applies when null is specified. In case header is drawn, this does not apply
[y_header_margin] int Margin of the top y when header is shown (normally, firstpage)
[y_title_offset] int Top offset for title
[y_subtitle_offset] int Top offset for sub-title
[y_artist_offset] int Top offset for artist row
[y_footer_offset] int Bottom offset for footer

canvasProvider ⇒ HTMLElement | Promise.<HTMLElement>

Callback function when new canvas is requested by renderer.

Kind: global typedef
Returns: HTMLElement | Promise.<HTMLElement> - HTML canvas element