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Chord symbol indicates the chord names. Various chord name types as shown in the below table are supported. Root note or bass note comprises of one capital letter of A, B, C, D, E, F or G followed by optionl flat (small 'b') and sharp ('#') letter.

Markdown note
C Cb C# Major chord.
CM Major chord with explicit major mark(triangle in the rendered image).
Cm Minor chord.
CM7 CM9 CM11 CM13 Major seventh, nineth, eleventh and tirteenth chord.
Cm6 Cm7 Cm9 Cm11 Minor sixth, seventh, nineth and eleventh chord.
CmM7 Minor major seventh chord
C7 C9 C11 C13 Dominant chords ; seventh, nineth, eleventh and thirteenth chord.
C6 CM6 Major sixth chord
C69 Six nineth chord
Cadd9 Cadd2 Add nineth and second chord
Comit3 Comit5 Omit chord
Csus4 Csus2 Suspended 4th and suspended 2th chord
C+ Augmented 5th chord
C-5 Dimished 5th chord
Cdim Cdim7 Diminish or diminish seventh chord
Cm7-5 Combination of m7 and dimished 5th chord menas half dminish chord
Cb9 C#9 C#11 Cb13 C#13 Other tensions. Multiple tensions can be specified by just listing them. e.g. C7#9#13
C/D On chord or slash chord. No space shall be put between root part and bass note part.
/D No root note part but only bass note part(incl. slash) specifies the context where only bass note is changed while root note is maintained.

Also, chord symbols can be specified followed by duration indicator. Please see the section of duration indicator.